Julia Michaels just released a new mini-album called Inner Monologue Part 1, and it features Selena Gomez’s return on the first track on the album called ‘Anxiety’.

Both Selena and Julia have struggled with anxiety in their past, so the song is very relatable to both of them.

Julia told Billboard, “We also liked the idea of doing a song together where we’re talking about our relationship with anxiety. We’re not talking about our relationship with men or us fighting over somebody or something like that — those things that are typical duets for women. Or a female empowerment thing. This is a female empowerment thing, but it’s completely different. We’re not throwing our fists in the air, but we’re saying, “Hey, we have anxiety, but we’re okay with it.”

Julia will be going on a lot of tours this year, so she hopes to release a new Inner Monologue for each tour!



Inner Monologue Part 1 also features a collaboration with Niall Horan, which you can listen to below.


Filed under: Instagram, Julia Michaels, Niall Horan, Selena Gomez