Everything will soon be very blue in Ontario – and that’s because our new driver’s licenses and plates will be blue on blue … on blue!


During a press conference that was held at a Toyota dealership in Mississauga, The PC government announced there will be a change in both our license’s and plates, “We are renewing the licence plate and driver’s licence because it represents how we are renewing our entire approach to government.  Our government is embracing change because we recognize that the old established ways of working are no longer good enough,” explains Bill Walker, Minister of Government and Consumer Services.



Ontario’s new plates are said to released in February of 2020.  The press release states, “The new licence plates and driver’s licence will also feature a renewed version of Ontario’s classic trillium logo.  It is part of a refreshed brand identity that will be implemented across the entire government.”


And this is what our new licenses will look like (below).  According to Jeff Yurek’s Twitter page, he tweets, “Coming this fall, Ontario’s driver’s license will have a new design, showcasing the province’s new brand and logo.  This will come at no cost to the taxpayer.  It has been 12 years since the last redesign, but they should be refreshed every 5-7 years for security purposes.”



The press release continues, “The new design of Ontario driver’s licences, which includes the new Ontario logo, will be available in the fall.  The government is also ensuring that police have the tools they need to keep roads and communities safe by improving the quality of Ontario’s licence plates and keeping both the front and rear licence plates on vehicles.”


As for Ontario’s new plates, it’ll include a new colour theme, font change and a new slogan, “A Place To Grow.”



Filed under: Ontario, Toronto