
Amy Schumer’s HBO specials airs this Saturday, but clips have leaked online and we have them here for your hilarious viewing pleasure.

On her path to world domination, Amy Schumer took the time out to record an HBO comedy special called Amy Schumer Live at the Apollo. HBO’s unlisted YouTube videos have some sneak peaks at the star’s upcoming act. Here she is chatting about popcorn:



And here she is doing a bit on the ridiculously good looking people in LA.



Lastly, Refinery29 had the pleasure of dropping this absolutely hilarious gem on the world. Here’s Schumer on hot people:





If we all collectively hate attractive people together maybe they’ll all go away and live on their hot people island, with all their tanned glistening perfect bodies and carefully manicured hair and wonderfully shaped eyebrows and toned abs. Oh god keep the hot people.