Since you’re likely spending a lot of time on your phone now that we’re all suppose to be self-isolating, you’ve likely watched some of the most random videos.

I have.


And I have been fascinated, for various reasons.

Mostly because I want to see anything non-COVID related so yes, marble racing is suddenly interesting:

Also cats with dominoes (at 40 seconds WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN?!)

A dog singing? Ok. Singing along to the Law and Order theme? Sign me up:

Lucas The Intern and his brother play Jenga blindfolded because of course they did:

Let there be more penguins:

This dog jumping in leaves over and over makes me so happy…also makes me wish it was fall:


When WILL the cat stop going through holes??

I’m now very away of mirrors at home:

This story is ridiculous, but this woman TELLING this story is HILARIOUS:

Baby shark doo doooo doodoo doodoo:

They trained Bran the Raven at the Toronto Zoo to play Connect 4 (starts about 7 mins in):

And this classic:

If you want to take a listen to KiSS 92.5, you can just ask your smart speaker!

And for all the latest news on COVID-19, 680 News is the place to go.

Filed under: COVID-19, self-isolation