Since everyone has been self-isolating these past few weeks, Jimmy Fallon made the decision to film his late-night TV show from the comfort of his own home – Jimmy calls this The Tonight Show, At Home Edition.



Demi Lovato, who’s been also self-isolating in L.A. with a full house – her mom, dad, older and younger sister and their five dogs, called to check in with Jimmy – not only did Demi and Jimmy have a good conversation but Demi sang her latest single, I Love Me.



During their conversation, Jimmy asked Demi about mental health.  Demi shared, “It’s so important right now.  We’re alone with our thoughts right now, some of us are at home alone…it’s really just them and their minds. Those voices in your head can get really loud. I call them roommates. The roommates in your head can be just as annoying as a real roommate.”  Demi says meditation is the key when it comes to the voices, “If you have a higher power that you believe in. Playing with animals. Whatever you can do to continue to grow spiritually and emotionally while we’re stuck in these houses.”



Demi continues,  “I think now is going to be a critical point for humanity, actually.  If we don’t change from this, it would be so sad. We all have to use this as an experience and a chance to grow. And it doesn’t mean we have to write a New York Times bestseller during this quarantine. Just do little things every day.”


Filed under: Demi Lovato, Jimmy Fallon, The Tonight Show