The Weeknd is using both his wealth and platform for the greater good.  Following the tragic death of Minneapolis, Minnesota native, George Floyd, and a nationwide protest, Abel has donated a total of $500,000 to three different organizations.


$200,000 went to the Black Lives Matter Global Network, $200,000 went to The Colin Kaepernick Know Your Rights Camp Legal Defense Initiative and a $100,000 went to the National Bail Out.


In an Instagram post, The Weeknd writes an encouraging message, “Keep supporting our brothers and sisters out there risking everything to push for actual change for our black lives.  Urging everyone with big pockets to give and give big and if you have less, please give what you can even it’s a small amount.  #blacklivesmatter.



In a separate Instagram post, Abel calls on ‘his respected industry partners and execs,’ “No one profits off of black music more than the labels and streaming services.  I gave yesterday and I urge you to go big and public with yours this week.  It would mean the world to me and the community if you can join us on this.”



“Daddy changed the world.” ~6 year-old Gianna Floyd, daughter of George Floyd.


Filed under: The Weeknd