If you suspect that your partner is cheating, what you need is a Smarttress! Its a mattress with built in sensors that are connected to your smartphone specifically designed to tell you if someone is having sex on your bed. How Fun! Check out the dramatic promo by Durmet, the company behind Smarttress.



Did all of that music and BOLD font make you want to buy a smarttress?? Maybe Durmet can convince you. They wrote, “Smarttress with Lover Detection System is a revolutionary mattress composed of 24 intelligent sensors capable of capturing the “suspicious” bed movement. In this way if you are not at home, Smarttress will send an alert to your mobile when the mattress is being used.” Did you hear that??? REVOLUTIONARY.




If you were wondering about the validity of this mattress, at this moment, it appears very, very real. Recode was able to reach a company spokesperson for comment, “Company spokesperson Antonio Muiño said Durmet is, indeed, a real business and has been making sleep-related items since 2012. It has 10 employees who produce around 70 mattresses per day…The first smart mattresses are ‘still in the manufacturing process,’ Muiño added.” The only thing more shocking than this mattress actually being a real thing, is that someone out there thinks this is a good enough idea to make it a real thing…


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The Smarttress will reportedly retail around $1700. Head over to http://www.smarttress.com/en/ to get your Smarttress and finally partake in the most practical way to catch someone cheating. Can’t wait to put that lover detection system to work!!



Filed under: Durmet, Smarttress