
These three, very clever, young ladies “Catfished” the biggest terrorist organization in the world!!!

Three young ladies from Chechnya, Russia pulled a fast one on ISIS this past week. The terrorist group, known for trying to recruit young people to leave their home countries and join them in Syria, reached out to these girls on social media in hopes of getting them to join. The girls, who really had no intention of joining the terrorist group, led the ISIS members along, sending them fake pictures and messages showing interest in joining them.
The girls were able to get $3,300 out of the group so they could “travel to Syria.” But, once they got the money, the three girls cut off all communication with the terrorists and kept it for themselves!!!
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Now, unfortunately, the girls are being charged with fraud. You would think that stealing money from a UN recognized terrorist organization would earn you a medal of valor, but apparently stealing is still stealing even if you’re stealing from really bad people. Hopefully the judge shows some mercy, good luck girls, we’re still rooting for you!!


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(Images via Giphy, Flickr)