Photo: The Strong Museum
Photo: The Strong Museum

Jenga, Twister and the American Girl dolls are among the 12 finalists vying for a place in the National Toy Hall of Fame this year. Two winners will be inducted on November 5. The finalists, which are chosen by historians and curators at The Strong’s National Toy Hall of Fame in Rochester, New York, must have survived multiple generations, be widely recognized and foster learning, creativity or discovery through play. Toys that have been honored in the past include the Rubik’s Cube, Barbie, G.I. Joe, and the Easy-Bake Oven. Roz and Mocha spoke to Chris Bensch, vice president for collections and chief curator plus we asked YOU what you’re nominations would be

Here are all of the toys nominated for 2015:
1. American Girl dolls
2. Battleship
3. Coloring book
4. Jenga
6. Puppet
7. Scooter
8. Super Soaker
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
10. Top
11. Twister
12. Wiffle Ball