Kim Kardashian LOVES taking selfies, that isn’t news. Sometimes her selfies get  A LOT of reaction, and often times that reaction is negative.

One picture this year, REALLY set people off, it was this selfie:

Social media went crazy and even some celebrities chimed in…

Now, Kim is fighting back in a recent interview with Recode Decode podcast, hosted by Kara Swisher.

KIM ON THE OUTRAGE TO HER MARCH NUDE SELFIE, “I truly was baffled when people still cared. They have seen me naked 500 times! The censor bar literally was probably more covered than a bikini. I could not grasp how people were so outraged. Some people were outraged because I’m a mom, but others were more positive.”

She continued, “My personality has never been, ‘I’m such a feminist and follow me and be naked!’. If you are conservative and that’s how you are comfortable, more power to you. I respect you. You don’t have to do what I do or look at what I do.”

You can listen to the full interview below!


Filed under: Kim Kardashian