
Is that Drake?!?! No it’s just Mayor Tory!!

You might have heard yesterday that Toronto’s Pan-Am Games confirmed Kanye West will be headlining the games’ closing ceremony. If you were out of the loop, don’t worry, our city’s mayor was too. Mayor John Tory gave his two cents on the topic yesterday, claiming he wasn’t very familiar with Kanye’s music, but that he’s “smart enough to know that he’s a proud product of our music industry here.” Wait a second…




Mayor Tory either has no idea who Kanye West is, or got the rapper mixed up with Toronto’s hometown hero, Drake.


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Either way, the mayor of a city like Toronto needs to be more in touch with the people. And to prove he is, the Mayor hit the streets of Toronto to show what a true Hip-Hop fan he really is. Check out Tory’s tribute to Kanye below:


Yeezus, can’t believe I didn’t know Kim Kardashian’s husband wasn’t Canadian! #KanyeWest

Posted by John Tory on Thursday, July 16, 2015




(Images via Giphy, Facebook)