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AND people are choosing to get rid of the little pups they used to carry around!!!!!!

We all know that Paris Hilton was one of the biggest inspirations for the “Handbag dog” look… She has about 10,000 dogs small enough to fit into her billions of couture hand bags, just like this little guy in her hand below!!


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BUT, the trend has since faded and over the past five years the Animal Charity Blue Cross Rehoming Centre, which serves England, Whales, and Scotland said that the overall number of surrendered “purse dogs” has increased by 120%!!!!!!!! YES people are just giving their dogs away!!!!!!




Blue Cross manager Kellie Brookes stated in the press release sent to Mashable that…

 “Sadly, people often think these little dogs won’t be much trouble to care for and it’s often too late when they realize they don’t have time. People may also think that breeding ‘handbag’ pups is a good way to make a bit of money.”





This celebrity trend, which stars like Paris Hilton, Hilary Duff, and Britney Spears have been seen toting around, has blinded some people of the fact that dogs actually need to be taken care of!!! You know, just like humans they need to be feed, groomed, walked, kept on a leash…..




Public Service Announcement: If you’re getting a dog, do you’re research!!! A little pup could be just what you need in your house!!!! (not just in your purse)





(Images via Instagram, Instagram)