Flashfood is a new app that is coming to Toronto, this app allows for thousands of pounds of food to be sold once it’s no longer good to keep on grocery store shelves.

City News quotes the founder and CEO Josh Domingues explaining Flashfood as “the discount food rack on your cellphone and it’s a means for grocery stores, restaurants, food vendors, being able to resell their surplus food before they’re going to throw it out.”




He goes on to say “Think about how much food you throw out on an annual basis. There’s a cost to that for you. You’re throwing money into the garbage. So why not not buy in bulk and buy a little bit more efficiently and then take advantage of opportunities in your geographic location where you can buy food cheap?”




So far the beta version of the app has about 2,000 Torontonians signed up for it, there are even some people signed up from Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Italy, the US, India and Brazil! Needless to say this app has caught on.




Although the app still have some things to work out, once the app launches they have to figure out how to execute the app flawlessly. They want to ensure that the app is user friendly and they also need to figure out where the food will be picked up.




Flashfoods goal is to essentially end world hunger and with the help from different city leaders, grocery stores and consumers this could very well be possible!

“Our goal is to build this company as a means to be able to come up with a solution internationally that could redistribute the food that is being thrown out to feed the people that are hungry. It sounds nuts, it sounds like a big goal, but we’re committed to it and that’s what’s driving us and that’s what’s driving Torontonians to sign up and to be willing to open their minds to this model and to be willing to care less if there’s a bruise on an apple or not.”




Filed under: app, Flashfood