The Canadian National Exhibition (a.k.a. the CNE or the Ex) is back for another year with some amazing exhibitions, live performances and my personal favourite, FOOD!

With over 100 restaurants and dozens of concession stands, the wacky food at the Ex often serves as a highlight for over 1.6 million annual visitors to the Exhibition Grounds, and this year the food is more outrageous than ever!

Some of the food we dare you try out this year include:




This thing looks frightening, but is sure to be a hit this year.

It’s a beef hotdog sprinkled with crispy mustard CRICKETS! Yikes!



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This was comes to us from Tim Horton’s. You’ll get your classic doughnut sprinkled with Jolly Ranchers or Fruit Loops!



Do you have a sweet tooth? Then you’ll HAVE to try out deep fried Reese’s peanut butter cups, they look delicious!



So, what happens when you mix breakfast and lunch? You get the ultimate ‘brunch’ meal!

A deep fried, bacon wrapped hot dog sprinkled with Captain Crunch cereal on top!



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I for one am not a huge fan of sushi, but I do LOVE nachos, so what happens when you put the two together?

You get this wonderful creation from Toronto’s SU&BU.

Other unique food creations that you should try out this year at he Ex include: Fried Pig Ear Sandwich (that sounds appetizing doesn’t it?), Deep Fried Cookie Dough Balls and the Bug Bistro’s ‘Beetle Juice’, which contains mango, fresh lime, buttermilk and the kicker, roasted mealworm powder!

For more interesting CNE foods, head over to their Tumblr page, or check out Blog TO’s Top 10 Most Outrageous Foods Coming to the CNE in 2016 list HERE.

For all things CNE, including list of live performances, sporting activities as well as ticket information, head over to!

Filed under: CNE