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#SaveOurScruff and adopt some of these CUTIES!!

Hey! Can you guess what day it is?!?!? OH YA it’s Pet Thursday!!! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Save Our Scruff, they are an organization who rescue and re-home pups here in the GTA!!! These cuties are looking for their forever homes filled with love!!!

Let’s here about some SUCCESS stories first!!!




Pupdate: Lucky guy! CARLOS gets to go to work everyday with his new adoptive momma. Here he is enjoying the ride to work with his new siblings Kibeth and Smurf! All three share a bed at work and lounge all day!




Pupdate: “Abby is doing fantastic! We couldn’t be happier with our newest furbaby ? She has settled-in amazingly, we couldn’t believe how quickly she adjusted to her new home. She absolutely loves being close to us and will almost always have either her head or her paw in our laps. You can tell how much she wants to trust in people and is always looking for your approval. We do a lot of confidence-building through training exercises and making new experiences as positive as possible. She has also really bonded to her new brother, Melvin. Melvin is a very hyper-boy, so it was important to us that we find another dog that would have the patience for him. Abby has been phenomenal, and we’re seeing an improvement in regards to Melvin learning how to take breaks and sharing space. The two them also play really well together, we get to watch some pretty epic wrestling matches!

We’re so thankful for everyone at SOS for helping to bring Abby into our lives. We’re especially grateful to Abby’s foster mom, Carly, who took such amazing care of her – you guys rock!!”



MANGO has been adopted! We hear she is a HUGE cuddler and finding her place (quite comfortably) in her new home!! Her adopter recognized her for who she was (puppy and all) and is helping her adjust to the fam! She is starting puppy training this week as she has never had any consistent training, being the rescue she is. Being a rescue means there is a lot to get used to and training is beneficial during that process. Being a stray to a “pet” is a huge shift and learning proper behaviours in a new, stable environment is huge for helping your rescue be happy, build connections and feel safe. We are excited for MANGO (Del Ray — for long) and her bright future in Toronto! Thank-you Isla Animals for rescuing her and starting the process for this great match!!



Here’s what ANNIE’S adopters had to say! We just love this family!! “Annie has made so much progress adjusting every single day. The first hours were tough – she was so well cared for by her terrific foster mom that it was clearly tough for her to move on. But each day she’s opened up more and more and is now showing so much of her personality to us, which also happens to be the sweetest, cuddliest, most positive personality there is. The girl just straight up loves hugs. In a matter of days, she’s already brought an amazing dynamic to our family and we love her terribly!” HOW CUTE IS THIS PHOTO THOUGH?! Congrats!




ORLO//EDWARD NORTON has settled into his new home nicely! He is now the adoptive brother of two year old Colton, who adores him and also a 10 year old Yorkie named Dixie who is warming up to him as well. We hear he LOVES following Colton around (they are both so curious of each other) and enjoys long walks. His anxiety is improving everyday and he is turning into quite the confident pup!




SCOOBY//BELLA went on a road trip with her dads! We will keep you guys up to date on her adventures!!




“No you’re the cutest” “No you are!” The amount this dog has changed is unbelievable. From the sore, inflamed, dry, itchy dog that could barely WALK.. to a comfortable, healthy, happy JOGGING dog.. Woah. KING JIMBO has absolutely blossomed in his adoptive home and we are obsessed. He came to SOS in poor health due to not being properly cared for in regards to his allergies and other components of basic care. Love is important but so is health! Address the needs of YOUR dog and better it’s life. A happy dog is a healthy dog and vice versa!




TINY TINA has found her furever home! @jetsetjustine and @alexanderkenton loved her for her, recognizing she was more than her medical needs! She is partially blind but more importantly loving and deserving! She is building her confidence each day!


NOW, let’s here about some of the dogs who are still up for ADOPTION!!!




SAGE is a new arrival from Egypt. Yup, Egypt. She is a Baladi — an Egyptian mutt. She is about 1 year, weighs about 30lbs and is very high energy! She was kicked out of her home when her then family decided they wanted a new dog. She was found as children were beating and kicking her, defenceless. She was then again adopted but when checked on by her rescuer, was found to be in HORRIBLE conditions. She is now here in Toronto looking for a safe furever home. SAGE has had no training and no consistency in her first year of life, let alone been treated in any humane fashion. She was very taught as a puppy the appropriate behaviours which has led her to be very puppylike but in a stronger, more mature body. She is nippy and jumps up a lot and gets overly excited over everything. She loves everything but has not been shown how to show this appropriately. She has goos intentions but needs someone who can give her consistent corrections. She is not cat friendly and until trained cannot be in a home with children. She is good on a short leash and enjoys being active. Once calmed, she is very sweet and a major cuddler. She needs someone dedicated to her. Someone willing to put the work in so that her best elements can shine through. She’s a lost girl looking for love and affection, something that has historically been confusing for her.



Here’s what LAFFY/TAFFY foster had to say about them! “Wow! These dogs are so mellow and behaved! Honestly you could not ask for any more well behaved dogs! Their favorite thing to do is nap together. They love playing with each other and it’s very entertaining to watch. We meet tons of dogs and they love saying hello to fellow fur buddies, big or small. They are a little timid of loud noises, such as buses, loud cars or bikes. We’re working on this by going for approx. 4 walks a day on a busy street. I’ve already noticed improvement. When they first arrived they kept their distance from me but after a few hours Laffy started coming to me and the next day Taffy couldn’t hold back any longer. The best thing is coming home and them sitting excitedly waving their tails. These dogs rarely bark! They do not bark when I come home or when we have visitors. They also have no problem encountering dogs on our walks and don’t even bark then! Seriously, these dogs are amazing and low maintenance. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be their foster!” They are medium energy terriers, aged 2. They are actually smaller than initially thought with Laffy weighing in at 10lbs and Taffy at 15lbs!



HAPPY CANADA DAY FROM LEO! This guy is completely recovered from his dental surgery (having all his teeth removed) and is ready for the spotlight again! LEO is a rescue from California but is now a proud Canadian! He is a 10 year old chihuahua and weighs in at 10lbs. Don’t let his age fool you because he is full of life and always ready to go! We had him out at our Puppy Pride and he was more than just keeping up but was trying to get to the front! He is dog social and friendly. He is nervous but does well in new situations and is very adaptable. He currently is living with 4 other chihuahuas and is enjoying his time being around the others! He loves human attention and affection more than anything. He also is very playful, loves squeaky toys and playing fetch! He is working on his trust in humans but that will also develop when he enters a permanent home.





Happy Canada Day from me, Nimbus! I am 2 years old and have come all the way from Cancun, Mexico. I am curious and love exploring new places but I also enjoy a good nap or two during the day and sleep next to my foster’s desk at work. I have begun pee mat training which is slightly confusing but I am getting the hang of it! I like to play and have lots of fun at the park but I am more interested in seeing all the new things than playing with other dogs. I am very well behaved and love a good cuddle! I’m a small little doggy, weighing only 6lbs, so I will cuddle right into you and get as close as I can. I love to play and enjoy the company of everyone!





THALIA spent the majority of her life in Mexico. She is roughly 6 — spending most of those years on the streets and about 1 year at a shelter. During her time at Playa Animal Rescue — she was overlooked and passed by time and time again. In Mexico, rescuing is not a fad like it is here, and especially when labelled by age and colour with little else to go on. When looking for a new dog — few times is it thought “yes senior” and also is there excitement for black dogs — often referred to as “black dog syndrome”. THALIA got the lucky chance when a flight escort was available to bring her to Save Our Scruff. Here at SOS we think every dog should have a second chance at life, one that is best suited for them. For THALIA — she spent majority of her life fending for herself with no stability, no long-term human connection and no home. This history has created her and thus SOS is dedicated to find someone who understands. She’s looking for love but is driven by fear. She had shown with the workers at PAR and again in foster that a human bond is important to her (she’s the BEST at giving hugs). Initially in meetings, she’s timid and doesn’t get to show her true self. In foster, she shows to have a quirky side — not being overly affectionate (yet) but being super hilarious and fun to be around. She loves the calm life — quietly observing by your feet. She is learning to have a relationship with other animals but has not had much socialization. Out of fear, she will growl. She’s not aggressive but likes to keep a distance for her own safety, not knowing there is more to a relationship then what she has been accustom too. THALIA is ready for her home. A place where she feels free to be herself but also a place that can work with her and help her know the truth about human and animal bonds — Save Our Scruff style. Help THALIA find her home.


If you want to adopt a dog, start fostering or make a donation, email!

Also visit, the Save Our Scruff Facebook Page, and Instagram!




(Images via Facebook)