Yesterday a Russian team of astronomers announced that their Ratan-600 telescope picked up a mysterious signal coming from a star deep in space back in May 2015.

Aliens might exist!




This mysterious signal is thought to have come from the star HD164595 which is 95-light years away. This signal took about 188 years to reach the telescope.




Mirror says that currently an “international team of astronomers from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is tracking the signals in the hope of uncovering their origin.” 


The star HD164595 is similar to that of our sun. It is 99% of the size of the sun, and similar to Earth has a planet the size of Neptune orbiting it. Scientists believe that the climate on the planet is warmer because of the star HD164595!





Claudio Maccone from the University of Turin in Italy was called in to describe the civilization on the planet, he believes that they are a type I civilization which is the same as the level of development that us Earthlings have.




Everyone if you see a UFO call Will Smith.

Filed under: Aliens