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Go intern for Apple!!!!!

Looking to make a few extra loonies??? Working for Apple would not only be one of the COOLEST jobs ever but it would also pay extremely well!!!!! Apple interns can make up to $80,000 a year working for the company!!!




One former Apple non-engineering intern told Mashable the company paid them around $2,500 a month for part-time work and they would have earned $5,000 a month, or $60,000 a year for full time work.




However, this kind of $$$$$ comes with a catch. Apple expects their employees to keep everything they work on, see, or hear about within the company 100% confidential. To ensure the companies secrecy… they even keep departments in the dark about what every other departments are working on and select office buildings off limits to most employees!!!!




While Apple seems to be very generous in the ca$h department, other tech companies seem to be just as generous!! Facebook and LinkedIn interns earn about $74,400 per year! All you interns making diddly-squat might want to consider and head over to Apple!!!!




(Images via Flickr, giphy)