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Cats, however, are still trying to kill you……. 

Cats are well on their way to TAKING OVER THE WORLD since they have recently infiltrated the minds of researchers causing them to spend time and money RESEARCHING how cat video’s affect our minds….




The result??!!?? Cat video’s actually make people happier AND less stressed!!!!!!!!






Jessica Gall Myrick, the assistant professor at Indiana University Media School, who led the study said….

“Some people may think watching online cat videos isn’t a serious enough topic for academic research, but the fact is that it’s one of the most popular uses of the Internet today. If we want to better understand the effects the Internet may have on us as individuals and on society, then researchers can’t ignore Internet cats anymore.”

The results were very positive!! 7,000 people were surveyed after watching cat videos and were found to be more energetic, positive, and felt less anxious then before!!




Now, make your day better by watching some of the BEST cat videos below!!!



(Images via Flickr, Giphy)