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HEALTHYDAY is new app that will change the way you deal with sick days!!! 

Say GOODBYE to typing your flu like symptoms into google and being TERRIFIED that you are going to die within the next few days because your symptoms are similar to the ones of multiple diseases!!! 




A new app, created from a division of Johnson & Johnson, will take all of that panic away!! The app is called HEALTHYDAY and uses sickness-searching algorithms to warn you when the flu is tumbling through your neighbourhood or pollen is taking over causing allergies to get worse.




It changes everything right?!?!?!?! The app ‘s best feature allows you to see location-based warning signs for allergies, cold and flu. It then allows you to travel even closer to see the actual incidents along with where and when they happened. This essentially means you can keep track of who in your neighbourhood is sick and with what.




Eric Weisberg, ad agency JWT’s executive creative director, has some high hopes for this app as he explains the goals behind the product… 

“We’re looking to transform what’s sort of a search-and-confusion mentality to discovering what’s going on with your sniffles to really getting a content-first, actionable information second.”


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The app even gives you suggestions on products that will help you get better if you wish to use them.


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While this app will help us figure out what is going around… If I know that sickness is coming for me IM STAYING IN!!!



(Images via Giphy, Giphy)