

Only response? YASSSS WILL. Will Smith sat down for a BBC interview and chatted about everything from his Oscar opinions to his kid’s Jadens constantly changing style and bold artistic choices. 17 year old Jaden has been known for taking risks and breaking barriers.. but what does Dad think?

Well at first in pure Will Smith fashion he joked…

The BBC host asked : “Your kids seem to have a lot of freedom of expression… Is that something that you consciously encourage them to have?” 

“Yeah, I think it may have been a mistake…I think we may have gone too far.” 



But then he really broke down his feelings, and I think we all have to admit he’s an incredible parent!



“You gotta get out on the edge, you have to try things, you have to be comfortable doing things that people don’t agree with and you have to be comfortable doing things that you could fail.” 

“And Jaden is 100 percent fearless, he will do anything, you know? So as a parent it’s scary, it’s really terrifying, but he is completely willing to live and die by his own artistic decisions and he just doesn’t concern himself with what people think.”


LOVE THIS. Keep doing you, Jaden..

Watch the full interview here!