Every year the Super Bowl arrives in early February and 100 million or so Americans watch the big game. But apparently some people still think its called the “Superb Owl.” Take a look at how many people searched for that along, with “How Tall is Chris Martin?” and a ton of other Super Bowl Googles.

Google Trends released a giant pile of data on Monday related to the Super Bowl and uncovered some interesting stats. What did people want to know most about Coldplay? How tall Chris Martin:

Roz knows Chris Martin’s pain:



Surprisingly, people were more into Buffalo Chicken Dip than Chicken Wings. Which is just wrong on way too many levels:


A ton of people who watched the game didn’t know what team Cam Newton played for or what position he played:

And let’s not forget about all the people who searched for Superb Owl!!



Head over to Google Trends to play around with their interactive Super Bowl trend maps. And someone better put on a Super Owl next year.