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YOU WILL NOW!!! A Florida Women had a VERY surprising discovery when a plumber came to unclog her toilet!!!

A 51-year-old lawyer called a plumber to come fix her toilet when she realized she was having trouble flushing it. The plumber, Alisa Scott, was shocked when she found the source of the problem!! After using multiple tools, she pulled out… A LARGE IGUANA!!!





The creature supposedly crawled through a roof vent and got stuck looking for a way out. The plumber told WPLG that…

“To my surprise, I pulled out that large iguana. At first I thought it was a toy, and then it started moving around.” 


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Sadly, the Iguana did not survive. However, I think it is safe to say this story has turned everyone who isn’t a looker, into a looker!!!





(Images via Flickr, Giphy, Giphy, Twitter, Giphy)