
Riri was caught out-and-about with a soccer stud!

Usually, what bad gal Riri wants, bad gal Riri gets! And this time around, she has set her eyes on an international soccer player!




At 5am, the singer met up with Karim Benzema at a 24hr Cuban diner, for a very early breakfast date!

Now, you may be wondering… who exactly is this mystery soccer man? Don’t worry, we did some digging for you!

Karim Benzema is the 27 year-old, #9, forward for Real Madrid! He was born in Lyon, France and also plays on the French national team!




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He’s quite the big deal in the soccer world, representing France at 3 major international tournaments, and other champion games.

He also enjoys taking a ton of selfies!



A photo posted by Karim Benzema (@karimbenzema) on


Many people don’t know this, but Rihanna is quite the big soccer fan! She first reached out to Benzema at the 2014 World Cup. They even tweeted back to each other.

Now back to the soccer stud…

#FunFact: Benzema also happens to be a daddy to a 1 year old girl, Melia, with his (then?)-girlfriend, Chloe de Launay!!

So…. now what? Maybe they’re just friends??

Too many unanswered questions.




Rihanna was also recently linked to Leo DiCaprio. The two had been spotted spending LOTS of time together, partying and going to secret concerts. But she has also been linked to DiCaprio’s best friend and club owner, Richie Akiva!

Who knows.






(Images via Rihanna Instagram, Dudek1337, Addesolen)