
So it’s your wedding day and you’re enjoying the reception, then all of sudden someone else PROPOSES at YOUR wedding! How would you feel about that?

A happy couple was celebrating their wedding when all of a sudden… ANOTHER proposal happens! This happened at a wedding in Iowa and so far everyone thinks it was a bad idea and it’s trashy…

BUT before you start judging, the whole thing was planned!




YES, the groom asked the couple for their permission BEFORE the wedding! It was actually the Bride’s idea because the girl in the picture is the Bride’s sister!

Now how bad do all of you feel?!




YEAH, we thought so! Everyone knew about this except for Megan (the girl in the picture), obviously! Not everyone would be cool with this, but for this family it was totally OK!


This could have ended up being worse and every bride’s nightmare… But the couple still had a magical night!





(Images via Gif, Tumblr, Hello Magazine)