
Could this really work, after all that’s happened in the past couple weeks?

It seems as though TLC (known as The Learning Channel) hasn’t really learned anything from the whole, Josh Duggar molesting FIVE of his relatives which included some of his sisters, situation!!

Trying to salvage their reputation, TLC is reportedly developing a spin-off to 19 Kids And Counting, featuring Jill and Jessa, their husbands, and their soon-to-be growing families.






So, we’re just going to sit here and basically ignore the fact that one of it’s stars of the show committed the most unthinkable and inexcusable acts. Because they have supposedly “removed” the bad apple from the bunch and can now just move on and focus our attention on the sisters now.




TLC going ahead with this spin-off means that it’s complying in spreading what has proven to be a dangerous ideology!

But, the money is SO good with this circus group that they will go out of their way to ignore what is right in front of their faces.

Well, that’s show biz I guess….





(Images via The Duggar Family Website)