Meet Cierra Lyn Fortner.

Cierra Lyn Fortner / Facebook
Cierra Lyn Fortner / Facebook


She recently made a trip to her local Wal Mart with her two kids, 4 year old Jayce and 10 month old Brenton when she encountered a cashier who gave her props for seemingly “having it all together”. Cierra was struck by the comment because deep down she thought to herself, “this cashier has no idea how far from the truth” she was.

When she got home, she decided to write a Facebook post about it and it has already been shared over 90,000 times.

She starts off the post by saying,


Today I was at Walmart doing my weekly Friday shopping when the cashier says to me “I see you in here all the time, your kids are always dressed cute, behaving and you just seem to have it all together” at the time I just thanked her and giggled because that’s far from the truth but as I drove home there was more I wanted her to know about me. 

I want her to know I battle a personality disorder everyday with anxiety and depression mixed and I’m a two times suicide survivor.

I want her to know that I can’t always get myself up off the couch to feed them anything more than frozen pizza and cereal.

I want her to know that my son is late for school 3 out of 4 days because I regularly forget what day and time it is, despite the toddler size calendar in my kitchen.

I want her to know I have those “I’m losing my shit” moments when I have to lock myself in the bathroom and cry.”

Read the full post below.

Filed under: Mental Illness, Wal Mart